Plant breeding & genetics

Plant breeding & genetics

Competencies and jobs

Plant Breeding and Genetics : an integrated and international pathway…


The PLANT BREEDING and GENETICS Master program aims to give students a strong scientific background in genetics, quantitative and population genetics, molecular biology, plant metabolism and development,  and in plant-environment interactions, incorporating state-of-the-art tools as genomics, metabolomics, bioinformatics and statistics.

After successfully completing this program, students are expected to

  • Have acquired strong scientific knowledge in various fields of Plant Genetics and associated Biotechnologies,
  • Be able to understand and manipulate all the concepts of genetics and associated tools,
  • Be able to understand, adapt and create a plant-breeding program integrating all available tools and concepts.
  • Have developed an understanding of the challenges of modern agricultural practices in a context of environmental constraints and increasing demand
  • Demonstrate oral and written communication competencies in English
  • Have developed the competencies required to work in international teams and networks
  • Have acquired an up-to date understanding of the industrial and economic environment in the Plant Breeding industry
  • Master the project management tools (experiments, writing notes, research collaboration, budget management)


Local and international jobs……

Graduates will find opportunities as assistant researchers and breeders in agro-seed industries and agri-business companies, in private and public research as R&D Engineers in development labs, experimental institutes, field trials, data management, policy, and in consultancy and communications in agri-business and (non-) governmental organizations, both locally and internationally.

Openings may be available in breeding companies such as Maïsadour, Gautier Semences, Syngenta, RAGT, Clause; experimental institutes such as Arvalis, Invenio, CTIFL; International Research Institutes such as ICRISAT, CIMMYT; integrated companies such as Nestlé and in any companies operating in the genetics, genomics and biotechnology-related fields.

Graduates students can also apply for PhD studies in France or in any other country worldwide and especially with the partner Universities (Tsukuba U, PUC, TNU…). PhD applications can also be made through the CIFRE PhD plan involving academic and industry partners.